
Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Cathedral Writing/Visit

On a lovely morning our school was going on a very special trip to the St Patrick's Cathedral.  Our trip was a pilgrimage journey.  It was a trip so we can go through the door of mercy at the cathedral.  Pope Francis has declared this year to be the Year of Mercy. Each diocese has a designated door at their cathedral to be blessed as a door of mercy.  

As soon as we got there we were all excited because of some of us haven't been there before, the Cathedral was huge and it really looked so beautiful, It was time for us to go in the Cathedral we all gathered around the door of mercy, in to the door we went. It was so lovely when we walked inside because it was so quiet, people praying made the cathedral so holy, we all sat down, we were introduced by an lovely lady.

After meeting the lovely lady it was time, It was time for mass Father larry prayed and introduced our school to the whole community. We carried on with the Mass, during the Mass Father larry was singing his hymn he had a very loud and beautiful voice we were all shocked, it was time for the communion hymn. Now we were going to sing bread broken. I felt very nervous because of I was going to play the guitar, and it was my first time playing the guitar inside the Cathedral.

Once the song was over I was very happy and at the same time I was proud of myself. I took a deep breath and off I went to receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ, after communion we all sat back down for the end of the Mass.

Finally the lovely ceremony was over. As we lifted the Cathedral all of us sang a song, it was called mercyful like the Father. During the song we blessed ourselves with the Holy Water and off we went walking out of  the door of mercy. Outside we waited for the others, looking at the tall building was amazing.

Suddenly my stomach rumble I was very hungry so then we all walked to the lunch room and had our snacks, I was so full. Sadly it was time to leave we really enjoyed going  to the Cathedral I hope we get a chance to go back some day and explore more about the Cathedral!

The End

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